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032 老兵悲歌

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There's a reckoning a'in

And it burns beyond the grave

With lead inside my belly

Cause my soul has lost its way

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

With the hounds of hell in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood, blood on my name

Not a spell gonna be broken

With a potion or a priest

When you're cursed you're always hopin'

That a prophet would be grieved

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

Can't you see I'm sorry?

I will make it worth your while

I'm made of dead man's money

You can see it in my smile

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

And the whole wide world's in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood

Blood on my name

It won't be long,'till I'm dead and gone

It won't be long,'till I'm dead and gone

Watch the fires rise, burn through my skin

Down to the bone, scorchin' my soul

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to run

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

With the hounds of hell in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

And the whole wide world's in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood

Blood on my name


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站内强推 六爻 死亡万花筒 贫道略通拳脚 混沌冥神 兰香缘 绝世武侠系统 从吞噬开始万倍增幅 没有来生 剥削好莱坞1980 误惹军官,强娶霸宠 战场合同工 龙珠,同时穿越诸天万界 重生之地府归来 赶尸道长 当年万里觅封侯 宋檀记事 我在末世种个田 游戏万界之群员全是我自己 长生:苟在大宁修仙 镇魂 
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